


Friday, January 19, 2018

Why is my dog scratching so much?

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#helping dogs with dry skin #dog itchy skin home remedy #dogs dry skin home remedy #dog dry skin olive oil #why is my dog scratching so much #why is my dog scratching so much but doesn't have fleas #why is my dog scratching so much no fleas #why is my dog scratching so much all of a sudden #why is my dog scratching itself so much 

Dog Dry Skin

Dog dry skin is really itchy and uncomfortable for your dog. It is hard for us too but we are able to go and put some cream on our skin and feel much better but our dogs aren't able to do that. There are ways that we can give our dogs relief.
There are reasons why your dog's skin could be dry so let's talk about some of them:
Lack of nutrients in their diet
Dry climate or forced air heating - this is a big one here in a cold country as we have a furnace on all winter to keep us warm.
Wrong shampoos for bathing the dog - My little guy had some fleas so I bathed him in dish soap that I read online Dawn would help get rid of his fleas which the dish soap did help the only thing was that it was drying on little Buddy's skin.
Please visit my other blog to read the rest of the article!!!

My other blog on Essential Oils:

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